With an “out of the blue” osteosarcoma diagnosis, we met the idea of amputation with abject opposition. It was simply unthinkable to us. As we worked to become educated on the choices we were facing, I became increasingly distressed and — in trying to cope with my own emotions around the entire situation — I began developing a sort of “moral” flowchart. And, in so doing, came to view the decision-making process as more about pain management and quality of life than anything else.
Ultimately, the decision became quite simple and irrespective of our own emotional distress around “it all.” The decision to be made was not weather to amputate but, rather, to determine if there was a reason not to amputate. I do not mean to suggest this is the correct choice, process, or path for others… but it has continued to provide great solace in an otherwise heartbreaking experience.

WOW! Thank you so much for sharing the chart, it is spot on! I love this, thank you. And the sidebar graphics are so cool too. Mind if we share in a news blog post at some point, with attribution of course?
We’ve been looking for someone to do a flow chart for how to navigate Tripawds (hint hint!). There may be a site redesign in our near future and if so, we know who to call for information design lol! 😉
Hope that Patches is doing well and loving life. Keep us posted!
of course you can feature the diagram. I only wish I had titled it to reflect Patches somehow. I mean for it to be of help to others struggling with this incredibly difficult process.
SPECTACULAR DETAILED “GRAPHICS”!!!! The thought put into this……WOW!!!
Thanks for sharing. Patches is so Licky to jave you as his hooman on so many levels😎
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
It was two nights of intensive consideration, research, and introspection. I just had to come up with some semblance of objectivity in deciding to do something that “in my gut” I did not want to do.
PS…BTW, loved the picture of atunning close up of Patches from your previous post.